Kingston DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0 G3 32GB
2. Package
The Kingston DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0 G3 32GB is available in online stores at the € 37~43 price range - a good deal compared to other 32GB USB3.0 memory flash drives.
Below you see the package of the flash drive, which comes secured into a hard plastic shell:
As you see in the picture below, the USB thumb drive is not as compact in size as we see in some other portable flash storage devices.
It features a retractable design with an aluminum enclosure that offers the drive protection from bumps, bangs, and cracks. The brushed aluminum housing is thick and wraps around the device on each end. A a key ring is also available for hooking up the drive on a key chain.
The USB3.0 connector appears when you slide the left side of the drive to the right:
The blue USB connector indicates that the drive is USB 3.0-compatible.