Limited Competition for Makers of 16x and DL DVD Discs
The gap in time-to-market for 16x DVD+R/-R and 8.5GB DVD+R DL (single-sided double-layer) discs between top and second-tier manufacturers of optical discs in Taiwan is expected to increase.
This is in comparison with the existing disc market and is due to increasing technological barriers.
Second-tier makers lagged first-tier makers by one to two quarters in production of CD-R, CD-RW and 4x DVD+R/-R discs, the local makers pointed out. However, for 8x DVD+R discs, the three first-tier makers CMC Magnetics, Ritek and Prodisc Technology passed Philips verification in March of this year, while second-tier makers including Infomedia, GigaStorage, Lead Data and Optodisc Technology only recently obtained Philips certification.
The lag will be even greater for 16x DVD+R/-R and 8.5GB DVD+R DL discs, the local makers estimated. So far, only CMC and Ritek have begun shipping 16x DVD+R/-R discs and only in small volumes, and their 8.5GB DVD+R DL discs were only recently launched.
From DigiTimes