Microsoft Brings Edge Preview Builds for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1
Microsoft has made available the Edge browser on older versions of the Windows operating system.
The Microsoft Edge Canary channel is now available on Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. This rounds out the initial set of platforms that Microsoft began to roll out back in April, so developers and users alike can try out the next version of Microsoft Edge on every major desktop platform.
You will find the experience and feature set on previous versions of Windows to be largely the same as on Windows 10, including forthcoming support for Internet Explorer mode for enterprise users. However, you won’t find features like fluent design, setting tabs aside, etc.
Microsoft Edge will have the same always up-to-date platform and the same developer tools on all supported versions of Windows and macOS. The Edge Chromium preview builds are also available for Android smartphones.