Over 50-Inch Plasma Display Panel Module Shipments Reach 40% of the Total Module Shipments
Market research and consulting firm Displaybank today announced that Over 50" Plasma Display Panel (PDP) module shipments share has reached almost 40% of the total PDP module shipments.
According to Displaybanks newly updated Monthly PDP Module Shipment Data Report, 39% of the total PDP module shipments in May 2009 were large-area panels over 50-inch. The total May09 PDP module shipments were 1.07 million.
Over 50" Plasma Display Panel (PDP) module shipments share has reached almost 40% of the total PDP module shipments. According to Displaybank, "Monthly PDP Module Shipment Results Report", 39% of the total PDP module shipments in May 2009 were large-area panels over 50-inch. The total May09 PDP module shipments were 1.07 million.
Even with the experts opinion that PDP industry need to move quickly into 50-inches from 40-inches that directly compete with LCD, PDP industry could not rapidly widen into the larger sizes due to limitations of the 50-inch market expansion. However, shipments of over 50-inches PDP module sharply grows that the large-area over 50-inches module shipments now reached almost 40% based on May 2009. On the other hand, the shares of 30-inches sharply dropped to 4%. Even though Liquid Crystal Display panel prices are on the rise recently, 32-inch Plasma Display Panel that was only manufactured by LG Electronics has now ceased production because of the weak demand created from competition with LCD and 37-inch Plasma Display Panel demands also see sharp decline.
Displaybank noted the rapidly growing share of Full High Definition (FHD) as size enlarging trend continue. The shares of FHD were maintained in mid 20% level which exceeded 30% with 31% share in May 2009.
The increases in shares of 50-inches and FHD are due to Plasma Display Panel industry to secure superior position in competing with Liquid Crystal Display as Sharps 10G line is set to begin operation as well as other LCD panel makers preparing additional lines over 8G to prepare market penetration over 50-inches.
Recently, new technologies such as LED BLU and 240Hz are employed in LCD TV that makers are launching over 52-inches "Premium" products and the makers are expected to aggressively market the larger sizes market from next year.
But unlike in the 40-inches, Plasma Display Panels have better position in competing with Liquid Crystal Displays. 40-inches that PDP had difficulties in responding with FHD, over 50-inches create no such problem for PDPs. For Panasonic, 46% of the total PDP shipments are already FHD and Korean makers also gradually increasing FHD shares.
Jusy Hong, a researcher at Displaybank noted "as profitability situation for over 50-inches gets better, the increased shipments over 50-inches would bring better results for PDP makers in terms of profit/loss".
Over 50" Plasma Display Panel (PDP) module shipments share has reached almost 40% of the total PDP module shipments. According to Displaybank, "Monthly PDP Module Shipment Results Report", 39% of the total PDP module shipments in May 2009 were large-area panels over 50-inch. The total May09 PDP module shipments were 1.07 million.
Even with the experts opinion that PDP industry need to move quickly into 50-inches from 40-inches that directly compete with LCD, PDP industry could not rapidly widen into the larger sizes due to limitations of the 50-inch market expansion. However, shipments of over 50-inches PDP module sharply grows that the large-area over 50-inches module shipments now reached almost 40% based on May 2009. On the other hand, the shares of 30-inches sharply dropped to 4%. Even though Liquid Crystal Display panel prices are on the rise recently, 32-inch Plasma Display Panel that was only manufactured by LG Electronics has now ceased production because of the weak demand created from competition with LCD and 37-inch Plasma Display Panel demands also see sharp decline.
Displaybank noted the rapidly growing share of Full High Definition (FHD) as size enlarging trend continue. The shares of FHD were maintained in mid 20% level which exceeded 30% with 31% share in May 2009.
The increases in shares of 50-inches and FHD are due to Plasma Display Panel industry to secure superior position in competing with Liquid Crystal Display as Sharps 10G line is set to begin operation as well as other LCD panel makers preparing additional lines over 8G to prepare market penetration over 50-inches.
Recently, new technologies such as LED BLU and 240Hz are employed in LCD TV that makers are launching over 52-inches "Premium" products and the makers are expected to aggressively market the larger sizes market from next year.
But unlike in the 40-inches, Plasma Display Panels have better position in competing with Liquid Crystal Displays. 40-inches that PDP had difficulties in responding with FHD, over 50-inches create no such problem for PDPs. For Panasonic, 46% of the total PDP shipments are already FHD and Korean makers also gradually increasing FHD shares.
Jusy Hong, a researcher at Displaybank noted "as profitability situation for over 50-inches gets better, the increased shipments over 50-inches would bring better results for PDP makers in terms of profit/loss".