Raspberry Pi Now Offers Official Starter Kit
To celebrate the ten million Raspberry Pis already sold over the last four and a half years, the Raspberry Pi Foundation is offering the official Raspberry Pi Starter Kit. Raspberry Pi started with the goal to increase the number of people applying to study Computer Science at Cambridge.
Very early on, the bare-bones Raspberry Pi board were made available without accessories - USB peripherals, a power supply and an SD card. Over the years, Raspberry Pi distributors have built on this, producing some great bundles.
The first official starter kit incldues:
- A Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
- An 8GB NOOBS SD card
- An official case
- An official 2.5A multi-region power supply
- An official 1m HDMI cable
- An optical mouse and a keyboard with high-quality scissor-switch action
- A copy of Adventures in Raspberry Pi Foundation Edition
The kit is available to order online in the UK from element14 and RS Components, priced at £99+VAT, and will be coming to the rest of the world over the next few weeks.