Sony Unveils "KOOV" Educational Kit for Robotics and Programming
Sony Global Education today unveiled "KOOV", a robot building educational kit designed to help childern learn robotics, programming, and generally expand their skill sets. KOOV is the first offering in Sony Global Education's "STEM101" curriculum - an innovative way of teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) subjects in primary schools across the globe.
Teaching materials for robotics and programming is expected to play a major role in cultivating STEM literacy and nurturing the next generation of creative problem solvers. STEM101, which rearranges conventional divisions between academic subjects, comprises three program elements: "Think," "Make," and "Feel." Among these, KOOV marks Sony Global Education's first offering in "Make," which focuses on engineering and technology - teaching creative skills, from robotics to programming.
The robot building educational kit is made up of blocks and a microcontroller. The blocks can be assembled into any shape, with the final figure capable of being controlled as a robot. The kit encourages learners to "Play" by building with 7 kinds of translucent blocks, "Code" by controlling the assembled figure through the program software, and "Create" by embracing their creative side and imagination.
Sony Global Education partnered with Japanese maker educational materials Artec Co., Ltd., in the development process for KOOV, which is slated for release in summer of 2016.