StarForce Claims No Root-kits Found On its Software
Independent tests showed that StarForce copy protection contains no malware.
The international IT community will not quickly forget the incident with Sony BMG at the end of 2005. The root-kits discovered in music CDs? copy protection forced Sony to call back millions of discs and suffer serious losses.
Soon after the story with Sony calmed down an online magazine asked Mark to ?check-out? StarForce for root-kits or any other malwares.
After examination of copy-protection installed by StarForce Mark came to the conclusion that StarForce protection contains zero root-kits or malwares. While the fact that StarForce drivers have to be sometimes uninstalled separately from the protected application is a bit annoying, it is not the StarForce?s responsibility, but the developer?s.
Rumors circulating in various online forums reported a DVD/CD writers malfunction after installation and star-up of StarForce protected applications. Some have even mentioned that should such "malfunctioning" drive be placed in any other PC without StarForce protection installed it will fail to work as well.
Soon after the story with Sony calmed down an online magazine asked Mark to ?check-out? StarForce for root-kits or any other malwares.
After examination of copy-protection installed by StarForce Mark came to the conclusion that StarForce protection contains zero root-kits or malwares. While the fact that StarForce drivers have to be sometimes uninstalled separately from the protected application is a bit annoying, it is not the StarForce?s responsibility, but the developer?s.
Rumors circulating in various online forums reported a DVD/CD writers malfunction after installation and star-up of StarForce protected applications. Some have even mentioned that should such "malfunctioning" drive be placed in any other PC without StarForce protection installed it will fail to work as well.