StarForce Drivers Pass Windows XP Certification Test
StarForce Technologies today announced that its StarForce FrontLine Driver 4.0 has passed Microsoft?s ?Designed for Windows XP? certification program.
The StarForce FrontLine Driver 4.0 is a low level driver that enables the checking of the copy protection system, ensuring that only original versions of StarForce-protected games can be played. The ?Designed for Windows XP? was developed by Microsoft and helps end-users identify applications that were designed specifically to run on the Windows XP platform.
The certification is run independently by VeriTest, a company that manages programs on behalf of Microsoft. The VeriTest lab report showed no error reports in relation to the StarForce driver tests and its "Pass" status confirms that StarForce drivers meet the strict security and compatibility requirements of Microsoft?s certification program. The StarForce FrontLine Driver 4.0 that has passed the testing program is the same SDK currently being used by clients of StarForce.
For additional information visit http://www.star-force.com/protection.phtml?c=83&id=946.
The certification is run independently by VeriTest, a company that manages programs on behalf of Microsoft. The VeriTest lab report showed no error reports in relation to the StarForce driver tests and its "Pass" status confirms that StarForce drivers meet the strict security and compatibility requirements of Microsoft?s certification program. The StarForce FrontLine Driver 4.0 that has passed the testing program is the same SDK currently being used by clients of StarForce.
For additional information visit http://www.star-force.com/protection.phtml?c=83&id=946.