Turbolinux First to Bundle Commercial DVD Player for Linux
Turbolinux Releases Innovative PowerDVD Player and Application That Grant Legitimate Commercial DVD Access to Linux Users in All Markets
Turbolinux continues to be in the forefront of Linux on the desktop with the recent launch of its latest operating system dubbed Turbolinux 10 F (10F). Released as the multimedia version of Turbolinux 10 Desktop (10D), the system expands on software already integrated into the 10D operating system to bundle what is currently the only legal DVD player for Linux users worldwide.
The PowerDVD player was created by CyberLink, a world leader and pioneer in providing integrated solutions for the Digital Home; the corresponding software was co-developed by Turbolinux and CyberLink. "As always, we are firmly committed to providing easily navigable, multimedia solutions for Linux customers," said Linda Arai, Senior Director of International Business at Turbolinux. "The strategic alliance between our two companies has resulted in the development of an optimal software interface for commercial DVD operation on Linux."
PowerDVD received Dolby Digital sound certification in early June 2004, thus establishing CyberLink as the first company to receive the coveted Dolby status for Linux DVD playback software. PowerDVD also includes a Content Scrambling System (CSS) decoder that supports copyright protection and circumvents data piracy. CyberLink actively sought and received approval from the DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) to legally include the decryption algorithms for Linux users. "PowerDVD underwent rigorous testing and quality assurance tasks prior to its initial localization in Asian markets," said Alice H. Chang, CEO of CyberLink. "CyberLink implements the highest standards with regards to new product development."
The PowerDVD platform for Linux supports full menu navigation and encompasses a dual subtitle feature, instantly giving users the capacity to simultaneously display two separate languages onscreen. The release of PowerDVD equips users with a dynamic multimedia interface rivaling those of Windows and Mac. Outside Japan, Turbolinux 10 F is priced at $69.00 for the full version and $39.00 for users upgrading from 10D. For additional 10F product information, please visit turbolinux.com/products/10f/.
Building on the success of PowerDVD, CyberLink is shortly slated to release another Turbolinux 10F-compatible application entitled PowerCinema Linux. The state-of-the-art application premiered at the Turbolinux booth at LinuxWorld Tokyo in June 2004. PowerCinema Linux offers a comprehensive selection of digital media entertainment options utilizing a 3D user-interface with remote control function. Key highlights include the ability to listen to and organize music tracks, playback video files and access online content previously available only to Windows users. The basic feature set is expandable with future plug-ins via the Web.
From Business Wire