YouTube Launches Subscription Channels
Google's YouTube video service is entering the pay television by starting on Thursday a subscription service with 30 content creators, including Roger Corman's campy B movies, children's shows like "Sesame Street" and "Inspector Gadget," and inspirational monologues by celebrities.
Youtube has rented and sold movies and TV shows from major studios since late 2008, but most people watch videos on YouTube for free.
The new all-you-can-watch channels require a monthly fee -- prices start for 99 cents a month but the average channel price is around $3.
The new subscription service will be available in 10 countries at launch.
YouTube will try to catch up to services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon.
The new all-you-can-watch channels require a monthly fee -- prices start for 99 cents a month but the average channel price is around $3.
The new subscription service will be available in 10 countries at launch.
YouTube will try to catch up to services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon.