Streaming video may be cheap and convenient but consumers seem to still renting more movies via the mail and physical retailers. DVDs and Blu-ray discs...
Americans will pay to consume more movies online in 2012 than they will on physical video formats, marking the first year that Internet-delivered movies will...
Despite the growing popularity of digital home-video options, more than three quarters of U.S. consumers continue to view movies on DVD and Blu-ray Disc and...
Toshiba filed suit in the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin against Imation, several manufacturers and several distributors of recordable DVD...
According to The NPD Group market research, watching movies and other video content on DVD and Blu-ray Disc (BD) comprises the lion?s share of home-video...
Americans? attitudes towards DVDs are evolving and driving expectations about their use, according to a new survey released today by the National Consumers League. The...
A new International Standard establishes general principles and gives recommendations for the care and handling of optical discs during use with a view to maximizing...