Facebook's website crashed briefly on Thursday, preventing users from reaching the site around the globe. During the outage, Facebook users ranging from Australia...
On Wednesday, Facebook announced that it had created "Wedge," a new kind of computer networking switch, potentially capable of shifting data rapidly through the largest...
Facebook has been extracting information based on your daily activities within the social network in order to deliver personalized ads. Now the company's advertising system...
Twitter and Facebook are gearing up to attract even more visitors by offering apps and messages directly from the soccer fields of Brazil. On Tuesday,...
Facebook said on Monday that David Marcus, president of PayPal, was joining Facebook to lead the company's efforts in mobile messaging. In 2011 Marcus joined...
Facebook is buying acquiring Pryte, a Finnish company that offers mobile phone users the chance to use apps without buying a mobile data plan. Facebook...
Until now, when users signed up for Facebook their posts defaulted to public until they changed their privacy settings. Facebook will now set the default...
Facebook's mobile apps will soon recognize the music, movies or television shows their users listen or watch. The new feature will create a status update...