CBS and Netflix today announced a two-year, non-exclusive international licensing agreement that will enable certain television shows from across CBS Corporation to be streamed to...
Starting today, Nintendo 3DS owners across the United States and Canada can download a free application that allows Netflix members with unlimited streaming plans to...
Netflix today announced new DVD only plans that will allow subscribers watch unlimited movies and video online and get DVDs by mail. Netflix new DVD...
Netflix today announced it will expand to 43 countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean later this year Netflix has been streaming to U.S. members...
Netflix and Miramax today announced a multi-year agreement under which Netflix members in the U.S. will be able to instantly watch motion pictures from the...
Microsoft today released an update to the Netflix experience on Xbox 360. The next time Netflix members start up Netflix, they'll be prompted to accept...
Netflix today announced a new multi-year licensing agreement with Paramount Pictures, adding hundreds of new movie titles, including the exclusive subscription television rights to all...
As subscription streaming, digital movies purchased online, and Internet and cable video-on-demand (VOD) services are becoming a part of many Americans' entertainment diets, Netflix seems...
CBS and Netflix today announced a two-year, non-exclusive licensing agreement that will allow select TV shows from CBS's library to be streamed instantly from Netflix... had been reportedly developing a film streaming service, which would compete directly with Netflix, the Financial Times said. Amazon will bundle access to the...