The French lower house has approved some of the toughest anti-internet-piracy legislation in the world, a bill that would permit authorities to cut the internet...
The UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport is considering legislating to tackle the problem of unlawful peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing. The proposed legislation would introduce...
Stockholm's district court has ordered The Pirate Bay to be disconnected from the Internet, threatening Swedish ISP's large fines unless they cut off the internet...
In-Stat believes content owners and service providers need to shift from content protection to a two-pronged content monetization strategy consisting of digital rights information management...
French lawmakers finally rejected the recently proposed anti-piracy bill that would punish illegal downloaders by cutting off their Internet access. The bill had...
French lawmakers on Thursday adopted a tough new anti-piracy bill that would punish illegal downloaders by cutting off their Internet access. The new "internet law"...
Google, Yahoo, MSN and other major search engines could be engaged in a legal battle in Canada for returning search queries related to copyrighted material...
The UK government will create legislation forcing internet service providers (ISPs) to gather information on customers engaged in illegal file-sharing, and forcing them to contact...
The US recording association said Friday that it will stop suing people who download music illegally and focus instead on getting Internet Service Providers to...