WAITEC introduces Megalus 24x speed CD-RW Jul 5,2001 0 "...Once again, hi-tech firm WAITEC has set a new standard in CD-Rewriters technology. The company has expanded its range of advanced CD-writers with a new...
Waitec presents MEGALUS (24/10/40) CDR-W drive Mar 1,2001 0 MEGALUS: The fastest CD-RW in the world from Waitec, is provided by an astonishing speed: 24x write, 10x rewrite and 40x read. Thanks to its...
More Waitec T-Rex news.. Dec 14,2000 0 We had posted some days ago the news about Waitec's T-Rex (16/10/40) CDR-W drive. Today we got a similar email: "...I've read...
Waitec presents T-REX 16/10/40 CDR-W drive! Dec 12,2000 0 Waitec soon release 16x writing CDR-W drive which is based upon Sanyo CRD-BP4. The drive ,as we were told, will ship in Italy next week(!)...