Sony Considers Live Feature For PS3
Sony's plans for the new Playstation 3 game console will reportedly include an online service, possibly similar to the Xbox Live provided by Microsoft for the Xbox 360.
The Japanese game giant has begun distributing a questionnaire to gamers
regarding console online gaming. The questions are asking whether or not people
find online play fun, and what kind of features they might like to be included in
the PS3's Live service.
Some of the Sony's questions are listed below:
On a typical day, how often do you play games online?
What is your preferred Online gaming format?
What Online Gaming Formats do you own?
A single identity and password for all online games?
Global Lobbies allowing you to play against anyone in the world?
Game Lobbies should be language based.
A standard, interactive lobby structure for all games.
Game Host has the ability to remove players?
The ability to download music, game demos and other content?
Ability to access the dedicated game forum whilst in game?
Ability to access and manage your gaming profile via PC, PSP as well as PS3?
The inclusion of a web browser.
A specific lobby only for Adults.
The launch date of Sony's PS3 game console has been discussed lately, and some analysts have already predicted that Sony will not manage to deliver the console to the market in the Spring, as it was formally announced. Evan Wilson, an analyst at Pacific Crest Securities, has gone on record with a prediction of one million units available at the Japanese launch this summer, with another million making their way to America in time for Thanksgiving. If Wilson is right, the market could suffer from a shortage of the PS3 device. The reasons for such a delay could be the inclusion of a Blu-Ray reader in the game console, as well as the time Sony might need to make the software changes needed to support a networked gaming service.
Some of the Sony's questions are listed below:
On a typical day, how often do you play games online?
What is your preferred Online gaming format?
What Online Gaming Formats do you own?
A single identity and password for all online games?
Global Lobbies allowing you to play against anyone in the world?
Game Lobbies should be language based.
A standard, interactive lobby structure for all games.
Game Host has the ability to remove players?
The ability to download music, game demos and other content?
Ability to access the dedicated game forum whilst in game?
Ability to access and manage your gaming profile via PC, PSP as well as PS3?
The inclusion of a web browser.
A specific lobby only for Adults.
The launch date of Sony's PS3 game console has been discussed lately, and some analysts have already predicted that Sony will not manage to deliver the console to the market in the Spring, as it was formally announced. Evan Wilson, an analyst at Pacific Crest Securities, has gone on record with a prediction of one million units available at the Japanese launch this summer, with another million making their way to America in time for Thanksgiving. If Wilson is right, the market could suffer from a shortage of the PS3 device. The reasons for such a delay could be the inclusion of a Blu-Ray reader in the game console, as well as the time Sony might need to make the software changes needed to support a networked gaming service.