Nintendo DS to Get Camera, Music Functions
Nintendo reportedly plans to launch a new model of its DS handheld device that will be equiped with a digital camera will play music, the Nikkei business daily reported on Sunday.
The move would pit the top-selling portable game gear with Apple Inc iPod and camera-embedded cellphones in general.
The new DS is expected to be available in Japan by the end of the year for less than 20,000 yen ($189), the Nikkei said.
The device, which will be also be equipped with advanced wireless communications functions, may be competitive with current wi-fi enabled mobile phones, Apple's iPod as well as Sony's PSP rival machine.
The new DS is expected to be available in Japan by the end of the year for less than 20,000 yen ($189), the Nikkei said.
The device, which will be also be equipped with advanced wireless communications functions, may be competitive with current wi-fi enabled mobile phones, Apple's iPod as well as Sony's PSP rival machine.