Telecom Companies Seek Stay of FCC's Internet Regulations
Five telecom trade groups and two broadband providers have asked the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to put a hold on net neutrality rules it recently approved. In a joint petition, the United States Telecom Association, CTIA, AT&T, the Wireless Internet Service Providers Association and CenturyLink, are asking the Federal Communications Commission to stay new FCC rules that would, for the first time, regulate broadband Internet access service providers under Title II of the Communications Act and would impose general conduct standards on their business practices.
The groups ask the FCC Friday to put a hold on its decision to reclassify broadband as a regulated, common-carrier service. They do not seek to delay the FCC’s bright-line rules – no blocking, no throttling, and no paid prioritization.
"We are very confident the courts will ultimately reject the FCC's abandonment of its highly successful bipartisan regulatory approach for mobile broadband," said CTIA President and CEO Meredith Attwell Baker. "Today, with our stay petition, we are asking that the status quo be preserved during the pendency of our court challenge. We recognize that stays are not common, but the uncertainty and serious ramifications stemming from the FCC's order requires CTIA to take every procedural step available to limit the impact of the FCC's overreach. The United States leads the world in 4G wireless investment and innovation. CTIA seeks to preserve this winning environment while the courts decipher the FCC's convoluted arguments."
"WISPA’s members are ill-equipped to handle the lost opportunities, costs and regulatory burdens that these rules will impose on them. A temporary stay, while the Court hears the arguments, is the best way to protect these small broadband providers from the current and future costs posed by the June 12th effective date. Without a stay, even a favorable Court decision may come too late for many of our members," said sElizabeth Bowles, WISPA Board member.