CeBIT 2004 opens gates
A large crew of workers anxiously striving in order to have everything prepared for tommorow's opening of Cebit 2004, Hannover.
Less than 20 hours before the gates open, backstage preperations are in full progress:
> Sony is located in Hall 2 in a huge booth, ready to impress visitors with new monitors, projectors, DVD recorders as well as the PS2.
Philips is prepared for dual layer DVD recording demonstrations in an impressive booth, without however, showing its hand to the public view. Preparations found Philips' booth covered, making all early visitors really anxious.
Another "king size" booth belongs to LG. More information available soon.
> Sony is located in Hall 2 in a huge booth, ready to impress visitors with new monitors, projectors, DVD recorders as well as the PS2.
Philips is prepared for dual layer DVD recording demonstrations in an impressive booth, without however, showing its hand to the public view. Preparations found Philips' booth covered, making all early visitors really anxious.
Another "king size" booth belongs to LG. More information available soon.