Mitsui announces 48x certified media!
Mitsui Advanced Media, Inc. (MAM) a subsidiary of Mitsui Chemicals America, Inc. and leading manufacturer of recordable (CD-R & DVD-R) media, announced that their new 48x CD-R media will be available in June, 2002. The media will incorporate Mitsui’s patented Phthalocyanine dye and is rated for use in writers from speeds 2X to 48x. Phthtalocyanine (tha-lo-cy-a-neen) dye was introduced by Mitsui Chemicals and has proven to deliver outstanding performance for speed, compatibility and longevity. The lifetime of their CD-R media is estimated at over 300 years.
Mitsui Advanced Media also plans to release their new 4X speed DVD-R media in third quarter, 2002. This new media will enable users to record a full length, 4.7 GB DVD-R in about 15 minutes. Mitsui offers the only "full surface" thermal printable DVD-R, which helps create a very professional looking product while allowing high speed duplication.