"Halo 4," the hotly anticipated sequel to the popular franchise, will launch worldwide on Nov. 6, 2012 exclusively on Xbox 360. "Halo 3," the biggest...
Sony today released the open beta of its Developer Program for PlayStation Suite (PS Suite). The initiative will enable developers to release apps and content...
Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) today announced that it will launch "nasne," a new networked recorder and media storage device with built in 500GB hard disk...
Xbox LIVE Gold members and Netflix subscribers will see new features the next time they access the app through Xbox LIVE. These new features include: ...
Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC (SCEA) today announced a planned rollout of "one of the deepest and most immersive" genre-based freemium games for PlayStation Home,...
Rovio Entertainment, creator of Angry Birds, announced today the acquisition of Futuremark Games Studio, the gaming arm of benchmarking software developer Futuremark. "They are an...