"...Iomega announced that its new Peerless 10GB and 20GB drive system is now shipping. The Peerless drive system incorporates world-class technology based on IBM's Travelstar...
"...MSI today introduces its new 12x8x32 CD-RW drive-StarSpeed MS-8312. The new 12x8x32 CD-RW drive represents MSI's efforts to meet business and consumer demands for faster...
"...In a move to enhance its position in the corporate marketplace, NewTech Infosystems (NTI) has announced a volume end-user licensing program for all of its...
"...Panasonic and ESBuy.com announced today that ESBuy.com is among the first to ship Panasonic 4.7GB DVD-RAM drives with a Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0 interface...
"...Trace Affex has introduced their latest CD-R printer, the Affex Allegro for PCs and Macs. The Affex Allegro achieves an unparalleled 2880x720 print density, with...
"...Verbatim announced that it will begin shipping DataLifePlus 4.7GB rewritable DVD discs for DVD-RW drives from Pioneer and other manufacturers. Verbatim's 4.7GB DVD-RW discs incorporate...
"...A speedy, long-distance version of the IEEE-1394 interface appears to be making headway over the rival Universal Serial Bus for next-generation consumer and computer systems...
"...The DVD+RW Alliance today announced the addition of write-once (DVD+R) capabilities to rewritable DVD+RW products slated to be introduced this summer.The DVD+RW Alliance discussed DVD+R...