"...Rimage today announced that it will unveil to its North American distributors on May 15 its new Everest color printer, based on breakthrough printing technology...
"...Taiwan's CD-R companies enjoyed growing sales in April. CMC's share price has soared as a reaction to the encouraging news on May 8's session. Lead...
"...SKC, one of Korea’s largest manufacturers of video tape, CDs, and CD-R recordable discs, and three other Korean CD-R producers, intend to file an anti-dumping...
"...The negotiation with Philips for a better royalty rate continues after CMC Magnetic Corp. signed a new CD-R licensing agreement with Philips of Netherlands. Philips...
"...Acer today announced the latest in its top-performing multimedia line, underscoring the company's new focus on leading-edge technology for the well-equipped multimedia home and office...
"...A cloud is forming over CD-burning company Roxio's planned spinoff next week in the form of a lawsuit filed Thursday by Gracenote, an online music...