AMD RV635 With DisplayPort Appears Online
AMD's graphics chip RV635 appeared on the web on a card that also features the DisplayPort digital monitor connector. put online some photos of the upcoming
RV635 XT, which is expected to be released in early 2008.
The card comes with DVI along with HDMI and a DisplayPort portage. DisplayPort digital interface is designed to replace LVDS, DVI, and eventually VGA. DisplayPort provides the ability to connect to both internal and external displays with a common digital interface. It supports the High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) to enable viewing of protected content from Blu-ray and HD-DVD optical media over DisplayPort connections.
Major DisplayPort supporters include AMD, Intel, HP, Nvidia, Lenovo, Samsung, and Philips.
Until now, only Samsung has announced the development of LCD panel using the DisplayPort interface, although mass production of the panel is scheduled to begin in the second quarter of 2008. AMD's next generation Mobile PC platform is also expected to support the DisplayPort interface, along with the HDMI.
The card comes with DVI along with HDMI and a DisplayPort portage. DisplayPort digital interface is designed to replace LVDS, DVI, and eventually VGA. DisplayPort provides the ability to connect to both internal and external displays with a common digital interface. It supports the High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) to enable viewing of protected content from Blu-ray and HD-DVD optical media over DisplayPort connections.
Major DisplayPort supporters include AMD, Intel, HP, Nvidia, Lenovo, Samsung, and Philips.
Until now, only Samsung has announced the development of LCD panel using the DisplayPort interface, although mass production of the panel is scheduled to begin in the second quarter of 2008. AMD's next generation Mobile PC platform is also expected to support the DisplayPort interface, along with the HDMI.