BroadwayHD Launches On-Demand Streaming Service For Theatrical Productions
BroadwayHD, a provider of on-demand Internet streaming for full-length theatrical productions, lifts the curtain today on BroadwayHD.com. BroadwayHD is Broadway on demand, allowing Broadway fans to watch their favorite shows, wherever streaming is possible. The service will have a library of more than 100 shows available at launch, ranging from Shakespearean classics to modern musicals and dramas, and plans to continuously expand.
Upon launch the BroadwayHD library boasts original content from Broadway Worldwide's Direct From Broadway catalog, BBC Worldwide North America, WNET/New York and more, including performances from Dame Helen Mirren, Orlando Bloom, Anthony Hopkins, Dame Judi Dench, Daniel Craig and Carol Burnett. Titles include Direct From Broadway's contemporary Broadway musicals Memphis, Putting It Together andJekyll & Hyde The Musical, as well as the newly available historic capture of Duke Ellington's Sophisticated Ladies. Dramatic titles from London's West End include prominent productions of Copenhagen, The Entertainer, Henry IV, Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing and many more.
As with the capture of Romeo and Juliet, BroadwayHD plans to continue to add high-definition (HD) captures, using HD and 4K technology cameras.
BroadwayHD is available to anyone with a connected device, from mobile phones and tablets to desktops and laptops, as well as accessible through TVs with Apple TV and Google Chromecast. It is available as a monthly subscription service for $14.99 with unlimited access to all content, or as a one-time rental fee of $7.99 for the show of your choice.