CDRinfo in RWPPI and RDVDC Compatibility Seminar at CeBIT 2005
The RW Products Promotion Initiative (RWPPI) and the Recordable DVD Council kindly invited CDRinfo's Technical Manager, Mr. Sotiris Kokkos, to make a presentation on the importance of DVD compatibility, on the Joint Round Robin Test Seminar for recordable DVDs, in CeBIT 2005.
The RW Products Promotion Initiative (RWPPI) and the Recordable DVD Council have completed their DVD compatibility tests jointly conducted since September 2004.

These tests were for products compatible with recordable DVD: 4x DVD-RW, 8x DVD-R, and 5x DVD-RAM. The test results were jointly announced on March 11 at CeBIT 2005 held in Hannover, Germany. The current round of tests represents a continuation of the compatibility tests jointly conducted by RWPPI and RDVDC since September 2003. In the previous round, tests were conducted on 2x DVD-RW, 4x DVD-R, and 3x DVD-RAM products, and their results were announced in June 2004.
54 companies participated in the joint compatibility tests and 449 items on a total of 142 product models were tested. Examinations regarding recording/playback compatibility at targeted recording speeds were conducted for the participating equipment and products that represent almost all of the world's major manufacturers of hardware, media, PC applications, e.t.c. in the recordable DVD industry. Joint compatibility tests were conducted by members of both the RWPPI Round Robin Test and RDVDC Compatibility Working Group without restriction being imposed by the organisations they belong to.
A total of 282 product models have been confirmed for their compatibility with regard to 2x DVD-RW and 4x DVD-RW, 4x DVD-R and 8x DVD-R, and 3x DVD-RAM and 5x DVD-RAM.
You can always see a full article about the Joint Round Robin test results that were announced on this seminar, download the presentation files and download video files from the seminar, by clicking here

54 companies participated in the joint compatibility tests and 449 items on a total of 142 product models were tested. Examinations regarding recording/playback compatibility at targeted recording speeds were conducted for the participating equipment and products that represent almost all of the world's major manufacturers of hardware, media, PC applications, e.t.c. in the recordable DVD industry. Joint compatibility tests were conducted by members of both the RWPPI Round Robin Test and RDVDC Compatibility Working Group without restriction being imposed by the organisations they belong to.
A total of 282 product models have been confirmed for their compatibility with regard to 2x DVD-RW and 4x DVD-RW, 4x DVD-R and 8x DVD-R, and 3x DVD-RAM and 5x DVD-RAM.
You can always see a full article about the Joint Round Robin test results that were announced on this seminar, download the presentation files and download video files from the seminar, by clicking here