DVD Forum North America Conference 2004
The DVD Forum announced the North America Conference 2004, starting on
October 26, 2004 in Shutters on the Beach
Santa Monica, California.
Join industry leaders for the latest discussions on DVD technology and markets including:
-DVD Forum update and orientation
-HD DVD update, overview and demonstration
-DualDisc(TM)* update, overview and demonstration
-DVD-Recordable update and market report
-North American and International markets update
Admission fee: $200 for DVD Forum members ($225 on-site) $295 for non-members ($325 on-site)
Registration: Please go to http://www.webtrix.net/dvdforum/NA2004Conf.asp
*The DualDisc format has been developed by the record industry and is not a DVD Forum format, although it may include a DVD side. The DVD Forum makes no representation regarding the DualDisc, which is exclusively the responsibility of its developers and not the DVD Forum.
-DVD Forum update and orientation
-HD DVD update, overview and demonstration
-DualDisc(TM)* update, overview and demonstration
-DVD-Recordable update and market report
-North American and International markets update
Admission fee: $200 for DVD Forum members ($225 on-site) $295 for non-members ($325 on-site)
Registration: Please go to http://www.webtrix.net/dvdforum/NA2004Conf.asp
*The DualDisc format has been developed by the record industry and is not a DVD Forum format, although it may include a DVD side. The DVD Forum makes no representation regarding the DualDisc, which is exclusively the responsibility of its developers and not the DVD Forum.