EvilLyrics 0.1.0 B5
Automatically search for lyrics to the song currently playing in Winamp, and display them in a tiny window. Also, store lyrics for offline viewing. This new version supports Windows Media Player, Foobar2000, and Sonique
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If you've ever wanted your own personal music wiz, meet Winamp's buddy, EvilLyrics. EvilLyrics does nothing but scour multiple databases for the lyrics to your currently playing song. We liked how the program has no configuration--it just works. The small, single-window interface does an excellent job of staying out of the way. If EvilLyrics can't find your lyrics, it still returns pertinent information, such as album reviews, biographies, and other tasty morsels. A major downside is that EvilLyrics only works with a limited number of players, but, hopefully, future versions will extend compatibility to others. Overall, EvilLyrics is a fun program that gives music fans a little extra something.
If you've ever wanted your own personal music wiz, meet Winamp's buddy, EvilLyrics. EvilLyrics does nothing but scour multiple databases for the lyrics to your currently playing song. We liked how the program has no configuration--it just works. The small, single-window interface does an excellent job of staying out of the way. If EvilLyrics can't find your lyrics, it still returns pertinent information, such as album reviews, biographies, and other tasty morsels. A major downside is that EvilLyrics only works with a limited number of players, but, hopefully, future versions will extend compatibility to others. Overall, EvilLyrics is a fun program that gives music fans a little extra something.