Google to Allow Chrome users to Disable Automatic Login Feature
Following the criticism Google received over its recent change to Chrome login behavior, Google will make some changes in the upcoming Chrome 70, adding a new control to disable the automatic Chrome sign in.
Google recently made a change to simplify the way Chrome handles sign-in. Currently, when you sign into any Google website, you're also signed into Chrome with the same account. You'll see your Google Account picture right in the Chrome UI, so you can see your sign-in status. When you sign out, either directly from Chrome or from any Google website, you're completely signed out of your Google Account.
The fact that Chrome users were automatically forced to log into the browser if they signed into Gmail on the web, and possibly automatically sync bookmarks, passwords, and browsing history between devices, has been critisized.
Google claims that the change to sign-in does not mean Chrome sync gets turned on. However, following the privacy concerns, the company is making a few updates in the next release of Chrome (Version 70, released mid-October).
"While we think sign-in consistency will help many of our users, we're adding a control that allows users to turn off linking web-based sign-in with browser-based sign-in-that way users have more control over their experience. For users that disable this feature, signing into a Google website will not sign them into Chrome," said Chrome product manager Zach Koch:
Koch said that the updated UIs will help better communicate a user's sync state.
Google will also going to change the way it handles the clearing of auth cookies. In the current version of Chrome, Chrome keeps the Google auth cookies to allow you to stay signed in after cookies are cleared. Gogole will change this behavior that so all cookies are deleted and you will be signed out.