Hardware News: INcoder TS24C-C1 DVD/CD-RW and MSI MS-8152 CD-ROM reviews
-INcoder INC-TS24C-C1: The drive offers nothing less than its specifications state. Besides the very stylish and robust metal design, the drive comes in a complete retail package with all the essentials for easy usage, among with some extra goodies such as the foot-stands and a pad for horizontal operation. The metal material of the drive is there to reduce the noise & vibration during operation.. The drive also can operate in a vertical position, for saving space in the working environment of users.
-MSI MS-8152 CD-ROM: A CD-ROM drive is possibly not the best selling optical storage product, since the technology nowadays offers the essential reading feature in more complicated CD or DVD recorders or combo drives. However, there is a common though that the more complicated a device is the less accurate may be turned out, in specific areas, such as in the writing or reading accuracy. Can it be proven through testing? The MSI developed a new 52X CD-ROM drive, in order to fulfill our daily needs for accurate and fast reading for the CD format.