Kioxia Exceria Plus 256Gb MicroSD
2. Performance / Conclusion
After unpacking we connected the microSD to an external SD/MicroSD reader and connected it to a USB3.0 port. You will get around 230GB of useable empty free space and with exFAT file system.
Passing to the performance tests, the ATTO Disk Benchmark reports around 95MB/sec reading and 90Mb/sec writing speeds. Note that this performance comes with higher than 64kb sized files, after all this microSD aims for constant writing performance of HD video, not small files writing/reading.
The KIOXIA Exceria Plus series are rated Application Performance Class A1 category and already there are A2 rated cards that according to the SD Association "..It makes SD memory card much higher performance than A1 performance by using functions of Command Queuing and Cache.."
While the ATTO Disk Benchmark 4.01.0f1 gave slight lower numbers
The CrystalDiskMark software reports slight higher performance
While the AJA System Test benchmark also reports around 90MB/sec reading and 85MB/sec writing speeds with 1GB test file size.
- Conclusion
The KIOXIA Exceria Plus MicroSD 256GB is a consumer product that aims cameras, mobile phones, tablets, and drones. The KIOXIA Exceria Plus microSD comes with ~90/95MB reading and ~85/90MB writing performance, that would be enough for most users that doesn't require many small files reading/writing operations. The price of the Exceria Plus 256GB is around ~47 Euro and reaches other proposals from manufacturers that already are offering A2 rated cards that promise even higher performance, so depending the found retail price you can decide if this product fit your needs.