Microsoft Lists Windows phones That Will Get The Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update
Windows 10 Creators Update is already live for those who have a desktop, laptop or tablet, and for Mobile users the roll out is expected to kick off soon.
Microsoft announced that it will release Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update on April 25.
The launch of Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update will see a limited list of smartphones included. The missing devices will not receive any support in future Windows Insider builds in the Development Branch. Here are the Windows 10 Mobile devices that will receive the new update:
- HP Elite x3
- Microsoft Lumia 550
- Microsoft Lumia 640/640XL
- Microsoft Lumia 650
- Microsoft Lumia 950/950 XL
- Alcatel IDOL 4S
- Alcatel OneTouch Fierce XL
- SoftBank 503LV
- VAIO Phone Biz
- MouseComputer MADOSMA Q601
- Trinity NuAns NEO
Microsoft explains that the reason behind the decision to exclude some Windows phones from the list is that customers "on many older devices would not get best possible experience."