14. Overclocking
15 - Overclocking
No matter your graphics card, there comes a time in your computer's life when it can no longer cope with the latest technological demands the ever so popular games impose. This is one of the main reasons for overclocking your graphics card. Gamers are always looking forward to a little extra boost in terms of framerate. Even though most of the times the boost is far from noticeable, overclocking remains the last resort when you can't afford to buy a brand new VGA card.
The card's stock clock speeds are 500MHz for the core and 450MHz for the memory parts. As we said before the memory used by MSI was a set of 2.0ns GDDR3 from Samsung. That would immediately mean that the card can put up with a little more memory overclocking than usual.
The new clock speeds we set using Rivatuner are 540MHz and 575MHz for the GPU and memory respectively. Let's see how much difference that makes in practice:
As you can see overclocking unleashes the card's true potential. Even in Doom3 where most other cards showed little to no increase, the NX6600GT got a boost of at least 6fps even under 1600x1200!