Now you Can Pay On Google Store Through Paypal
Google ha smade it possible for people to choose PayPal for their Google Play purchases in 12 countries, including the U.S., Germany, and Canada.
When you make a purchase on Google Play in these countries, you'll find PayPal as an option in your Google Wallet.
In addition, Google has expanded carrier billing coverage to seven more countries for a total of 24, including Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan. Carrier billing lets people charge purchases in Google Play directly to their phone bill.
Google has also made Google Play gift cards available to a total of 13 countries, including Japan and Germany.
Developers in 13 additional countries, including newcomers Indonesia, Malaysia, and Turkey, also now can sell apps on Google Play. All told, developers in 45 countries are supported on the app store. Buyer currency support has been increased to include 28 new countries, bringing the total to 60.
In addition, Google has expanded carrier billing coverage to seven more countries for a total of 24, including Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan. Carrier billing lets people charge purchases in Google Play directly to their phone bill.
Google has also made Google Play gift cards available to a total of 13 countries, including Japan and Germany.
Developers in 13 additional countries, including newcomers Indonesia, Malaysia, and Turkey, also now can sell apps on Google Play. All told, developers in 45 countries are supported on the app store. Buyer currency support has been increased to include 28 new countries, bringing the total to 60.