Pioneer DVD-104S DVD ROM
2. Installation
We boughted the OEM version of Pioneer 10x DVD Rom (DVD-104S), which included
nothing more than the drive itself:
installed Pioneer DVD-104s into my PC. Since it is an IDE device I decided to
make it slave on Secondary Bus (after Quantum 6.4 HD). So I changed drive settings
to slave and after PC booted up it intentified as Pioneer DVD-104S 10x DVD Rom
0118 into both DOS and Windows. In Windows unchecked Auto Insert notification,
checked DMA and reboot. The drive was November 1999 model with v1.18 firmware.
After I booted in Win2k from drive properties I could set Region and change
it only 5 times. I also used Drive Info v1.02 for testing the region status:
connected to the Internet and found that a new
firmware update was available. I d/l the update and flashed the drive with
the newest v1.23.
After more search I found that some guy made a region
free firmware v1.23 for Pioneer DVD-104S!. I didn't waste any more time,
d/l it and flashed it. After this flash drive was intentified as Pioneer DVD-104F
10x DVD Rom 0123 into DOS. Notice the DVD-104F<< letter. Drive was now
region free!. However take notice when using that firmware. Read the instructions
VERY carefully! ;)) You can also re-flash drive with future firmware updates
from Pioneer (however region free will be lost until new region free firmware
comes out.)
Test Machine:
Celeron 300A over clocked to 464 MHz
128 MB SDRAM PC 100
Quantum Fireball EX 6.4 GB UDMA
WD 18GB 7200 UDMA66
MS Windows 98 SE
MS Win2k 2195
Plextor UltraPlex 40max CD Rom - Firmware v1.03
Yamaha 8424s CDR-W - Firmware v1.0d
Sanyo CRD-BP2 CDR-W - Firmware Bc12
Pioneer DVD-104S DVD Rom - Firmware v1.23