SuperTalent 16GB USB GodFather Edition
3. Final thoughts
The GodFather USB flash drive series are nothing else but normal USB drives, armed with material/pictures from the original movie. We are not sure whether these extra goodies are attractive to most users, but they could be interesting to consumers that do like branded products and possibly need to buy the drive for a gift. The included movie materials have fun, but we are sure the majority of users will delete them or store them to their PC and forget about them.
The rubber version of the drive we tried looks robust and the small dimensions of the drive make it easy to carry.
Speaking of performance, we got a mixed bug here. Windows refused to delete the flash drive's volume so the HDTachRW, Sisoft Sandra and HDTunePro writing tests failed to work. On the other hand, the CrystalMark and ATTO DiskBenchmark worked perfectly but it gave some strangely high high numbers of 30MB/sec for reading and 17MB/sec for writing. Provided that the first series of benchmarks reported a 20MB/sec for reading, we expect the writing performance to be somehow lower.
Overall we feel the "The GodFather" USB flash drives are well made and they could attract movies fans or for people who just want to have something fancy in their pockets. The speed of the drive isn't bad, but enthusiasts will certainly want something considerably faster. The available storage should be enough for everyone (16GB) but its price is relatively high ($36). A special product for people obsessed with Marlon Brando..