Trend Micro Mobile Security 1.1 for Windows Mobile 2003
Integrated solution providing antivirus and anti-spam for data-centric wireless mobile devices.
Trend Micro Mobile Security provides a focused anti-virus and SMS spam detection solution for Mobile phones and PDA devices. Service providers, Enterprises with mission critical mobile infrastructures as well as End-users requiring a security solution for portable devices may deploy the solution.
The integrated solution provides automatic, real-time scanning to protect wireless devices against malicious code and viruses on the Web or hidden inside files.
As the number of data-centric mobile devices grows, industry analysts expect them to become an attractive target for virus writers. Mobile Security provides protection against emerging threats via a compact yet sophisticated scan engine that helps detect and block malicious code.
he release of Trend Micro Mobile Security 1.1 offers platform support to Smartphone 2003/2003SE, Pocket PC 2003 and Pocket PC 2003 Phone Edition.
Customer should have access to the following equipment:
- Mobile phone / PDA with support for Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone 2003/2003SE, Pocket PC 2003, Pocket 2003 Phone Edition PC with ActiveSync 3.7.1 software installed
- Optional GPRS connection for scan engine and virus pattern file update
Trend Micro Mobile Security 1.1 offers the following features:
Comprehensive Virus Protection
- Real-Time Scan ( active for real-time protection)
- Storage Card Instant Virus Scan (triggered on SD/MMC card insertion)
- Manual Scan (user initiated on demand)
SMS Real-time Anti-spam
- Only receive SMS by sender approved list or block SMS by sender blocked list
- Classification of spam into separate spam folder
- Anti-spam message log
Ease of Deployment
- Install from Host PC via ActiveSync
- Virus log, Spam log and Task Log (for manual scan & update)
Trend Micro solicits your valuable feedback on this exciting software product. Your input will help validate the new features, functions and usability of the software. The Beta program starts on 4th December 2004 and will end on 17th December 2004.
If you would like to participate in this beta program being the first to adopt this new technology and already own a supported device please register at: