Credited as the game that launched the massively multiplayer online RPG genre, Ultima Online has become a phenomenon played by thousands of people worldwide. The...
Creative announced the Creative Mouse Gamer HD7600L. Featuring a robust 2400 dpi HD-Lazer Engine, a two-way DPI Selector, high-speed USB connectivity and an ultra sleek...
Electronic Arts announced that the videogame, Need for Speed Carbon will become available in stores worldwide from this week. Produced by EA Black Box in...
The unparalleled, diverse cast includes Tricia Helfer, Josh Holloway, Michael Ironside, Billy Dee Williams, Grace Park, Ivana Bozilovic, Shauntay Hinton, and more! Electronic Arts today...
Developed by Rockstar Leeds in conjunction with Rockstar Toronto, The Warriors for the PSP system is set to hit North American and European retail shelves...