The Federal District Court in the Middle District of Florida denied the motion of sixteen record companies to force the Internet Service Provider Bright House...
In a landmark case over online piracy, a federal appeals court has heard arguments over whether Napster-like Internet services should be kept from allowing unauthorised...
Morpheus has hooked up with VoIP technology for its latest version, which is a multi-network program. StreamCast Networks on Tuesday released Morpheus 4, a update...
Lawyers representing the entertainment industry and file-swapping companies will meet in California on Tuesday as a federal appeals court hears the first arguments in a...
Add the French to the war on Internet song swappers. Facing their first annual sales decline in recent memory, officials from the world's fourth largest...
The technology and entertainment industries have long been at odds over the best way to secure intellectual property rights as digital technology advances. Now, five...
The music industry's controversial lawsuits against online song swappers appear to have forced U.S. computer users to severely curb their free music downloading habit, according...
The Dutch supreme court on Friday threw out an attempt by a music copyright agency to put controls on popular Internet file-swapping software system Kazaa,...
The world's largest Internet music-trading service launched a $1 million advertising campaign Tuesday designed to rally the public to pressure lawmakers and the entertainment industry...