The First LightScribe Publishing Tower
Alera Technologies announced last week its 1:4 DVD/CD Tower Publisher LS that supports up to 4 simultaneous
DVD/CD Copies, Recordings, or produces up to 4 LightScribe labeled discs.
The 1:4 DVD/CD Tower Publisher LS is a
DVD/CD duplicator with LightScribe technology that simultaneously Laser
burns custom labels directly on DVD/CD discs. You can create
your own custom labels, with text and graphics, using the
Aleratec Disc Publishing Software Suite, powered by Droppix, included
FREE! with purchase.
The 1:4 DVD/CD Tower Publisher LS is a remarkable value, with a low Estimated Street Price of $999. The 1:4 DVD/CD Tower Publisher LS, is a package that is truly desktop with only a 7 x 15 inch footprint and weighing about 20 pounds.
The 1:4 DVD/CD Tower Publisher LS is a remarkable value, with a low Estimated Street Price of $999. The 1:4 DVD/CD Tower Publisher LS, is a package that is truly desktop with only a 7 x 15 inch footprint and weighing about 20 pounds.