Super Talent USB 3.0 RAIDDrive Goes Over 370 MB/s
Super Talent Technology today announced their USB 3.0 RAIDDrive is now even faster.
The first version of the USB 3.0 RAIDDrive had already eached the limit of the USB 3.0 host controllers available at that time. Now that 2nd generation USB 3.0 host controllers are beginning to emerge, this drive is able to show its true performance. Completely unchanged since its debut in January 2010, this drive now posts scores over 370MB/s; a full 55MB/s faster.
YouTubeTM Video-Benchmark: http://www.youtube.com/gosupertalent#p/u/12/ik5fFEsvTQg
This drive was benchmarked using the new Fresco Logic FL-1009B.
Both our USB 3.0 RAIDDrive and USB 3.0 Express DUO drive use SuperTalent patented technology and are protected under US Patent # 7457897.
YouTubeTM Video-Benchmark: http://www.youtube.com/gosupertalent#p/u/12/ik5fFEsvTQg
This drive was benchmarked using the new Fresco Logic FL-1009B.
Both our USB 3.0 RAIDDrive and USB 3.0 Express DUO drive use SuperTalent patented technology and are protected under US Patent # 7457897.