MARCAN offers under-$2000 desktop CD/DVD duplicator
Bravo, the latest Primera Technology CD/DVD production system, is now available from MARCAN, Inc., at a price even a small company can afford, just $1995. The all-in-one, desktop duplicator copies and labels up to 25 discs in one continuous automated process, and the under-$2000 price is well below the cost of comparable systems now on the market.
Easy Operation; Versatile Application
While the price may be low, Primera has not compromised on quality, reliability or features in the new CD/DVD system. For instance, there’s no limit to the types of digital information that can be recorded. The duplicator recognizes almost all industry standard formats including those for music, video, photos, and data. Whether you’re a film producer, member of a rock band, technology guru for your school or church, or training director for your company, you’ll be able to burn discs that look like they were made at a professional service bureau.
Bravo comes in two models. The CD version duplicates CD-R media at 40x speed, the fastest on the market; the combination version records DVD-Rs at 2x and CD-Rs at 8x. All models feature a fully automated system that moves each disc through the copying and labeling processes with no break in operation. CDs are printed with up to 16.7 million colors and resolutions up to 2400 dpi.
Bravo comes with all the software needed to produce a finished, high quality CD including Veritas for recording, SureThing CD Labeler First Edition for on-the-disc inkjet printing, and PrimaColor for color matching. An optional adapter kit expands production capability to business card and mini-CD shapes.
Where to Get Bravo
MARCAN, Inc., leading CD/DVD solutions provider, is now offering both Bravo models at $1995. For more information, contact MARCAN at 1800 112th Ave NE, Suite 205E, Bellevue, WA 98004; phone 800-635-7477; fax 425-635-7479; sales@marcan.com; www.marcan.com.
MARCAN offers high quality CD-R and DVD-R duplication, CD replication and DVD video authoring services, including a full range of printing and packaging options. The company also sells CD and DVD recording and duplication systems in multi-drive and autoloading configurations including color printing systems.
While the price may be low, Primera has not compromised on quality, reliability or features in the new CD/DVD system. For instance, there’s no limit to the types of digital information that can be recorded. The duplicator recognizes almost all industry standard formats including those for music, video, photos, and data. Whether you’re a film producer, member of a rock band, technology guru for your school or church, or training director for your company, you’ll be able to burn discs that look like they were made at a professional service bureau.
Bravo comes in two models. The CD version duplicates CD-R media at 40x speed, the fastest on the market; the combination version records DVD-Rs at 2x and CD-Rs at 8x. All models feature a fully automated system that moves each disc through the copying and labeling processes with no break in operation. CDs are printed with up to 16.7 million colors and resolutions up to 2400 dpi.
Bravo comes with all the software needed to produce a finished, high quality CD including Veritas for recording, SureThing CD Labeler First Edition for on-the-disc inkjet printing, and PrimaColor for color matching. An optional adapter kit expands production capability to business card and mini-CD shapes.
Where to Get Bravo
MARCAN, Inc., leading CD/DVD solutions provider, is now offering both Bravo models at $1995. For more information, contact MARCAN at 1800 112th Ave NE, Suite 205E, Bellevue, WA 98004; phone 800-635-7477; fax 425-635-7479; sales@marcan.com; www.marcan.com.
MARCAN offers high quality CD-R and DVD-R duplication, CD replication and DVD video authoring services, including a full range of printing and packaging options. The company also sells CD and DVD recording and duplication systems in multi-drive and autoloading configurations including color printing systems.