MediaTek filed complaints against Zoran and Oak
?MediaTek? filed complaints in the United States International Trade
Commission (?ITC?) and in the Federal District Court in Delaware against Zoran Corporation (?Zoran?) and Oak Technology, Inc. (?Oak?), asserting that Zoran and Oak?s products infringed and continue to infringe upon MediaTek?s ?Servo Controller Chips in Optical Disk Drive? and ?Player Vibration-Immune Uninterrupted Playback? patents (US Pat. No. 6,229,773 and 5,970,031).
MediaTek requests ITC to immediately start its investigation into this matter, and urges ITC to stop the importation of Zoran and Oak?s products that infringe upon MediaTek?s above-mentioned patents into the United States. MediaTek further requests the Federal District Court in Delaware to enjoin Zoran and Oak from infringing MediaTek?s two patents, and to award MediaTek damages for all losses suffered by MediaTek from these infringing activities, including triple damages for willful infringement.