Pioneer Electronics on Wednesday introduced a digital video turntable that lets nightclub disc jockeys spin, scratch, loop and queue music videos just like they do...
Power Technology unveiled its highest power violet laser module to date. The new temperature controlled Instrument Quality (IQ) module emits 50mW of violet output at...
Optorite announced the successor of the DD0401, supporting 8x recording for both DVD+R and DVD-R. The drive is based on the Sanyo LC897490 chipset. Availability...
Imation will highlight the newest additions to its portfolio of personal storage product offerings during the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.Recent additions...
MPEG LAbegan to impose royalties on patent technologies this year, domestic mobile phone makers will have to pay royalties for 3G handsets amounting a maximum...
Hitachi-LG Data Storage has developed the world's first 8x high-speed writable DVD drive, GSA-4082B, which supports all writable DVDs. The shipment is scheduled to start...
Sony announces the introduction of its first 8x DVD-R and DVD+R media for the consumer market. Like all Sony single-side recordable DVD discs, the 8x...