Amazon's Workforce Is Mainly Male, White on Friday said women make up 37 percent of its total global staff and 25 percent of its managers, showing a more diverse workforce than many Silicon Valley technology companies. According to the online retailer’s U.S. workforce demographics data, 63 percent are male, 15 percent are black and 9 percent are Hispanic, while 73 percent are white or Asian.
The company employs more than 88,400 around the world according to its careers website.
Diversity at tech companies has been a public issue for some time. The questions have accelerated since March, when the Rainbow PUSH Coalition challenged the companies to reveal their racial and gender data.
Rainbow PUSH said Amazon’s numbers were not as good as they appeared, and criticized the company for a lack of candor.
"Their general work force data released by Amazon seems intentionally deceptive, as the company did not include the race or gender breakout of their technical work force," the statement said. "The broad assumption is that a high percentage of their black and Latino employees work in their warehouses."
Amazon’s report follows disclosures by other technology companies this year indicating that workforces in the industry are predominantly male and often white or Asian. Diversity reports from Facebook, Google and Twitter showed that women make up about 30 percent of staff and blacks about 2 percent.