Anonymous Declares War on Lizard Squad Hacker Team Who Took Down Playstation And Xbox Networks
Lizard Squad gas declared responsibility for the Christmas DDoS attacks launched on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live and the international activist group Anonymous has declared war on Lizard Squad, saying that the hackers have "made an enemy" and warning that "now you are all going down". Sony's PlayStation network remained offline Friday on the second day of an outage wjile Microsoft's Xbox Live service, which also went down Thursday, was back online Friday although the company reported reported problems with some functions in the afternoon.
Credit for the disruptions was claimed on Twitter by a group of self-proclaimed hackers called Lizard Squad, but game enthusiasts and some other hacker groups quickly condemned their actions. Even the notorious Kim Dotcom, a New Zealand-based online entrepreneur who's been accused of abetting Internet piracy, got into the act by offering free vouchers for his online privacy service if the Lizard Squad would agree to restore the Xbox network.
Anonymous posted a couple of videos to YouTube in which it attacked Lizard Squad. While no direct reference is made to the attacks on Sony and Microsoft's gaming networks, the narrator addressed the gaming community as well as Lizard Squad itself.
In a blog post, Anonymous complains about Lizard Squad's suggestions that Anonymous is working with the FBI.
Neither Sony nor Microsoft would say what disrupted their networks.
Meanwhile on Friday, someone using a Lizard Squad Twitter account claimed the group was shifting its attention to attack a widely used Internet encryption service called Tor. Late in the day, a Tor spokeswoman said the service was responding to an attack but did not expect any "performance effects."