3. RW reading tests
Review Pages
RW reading tests
- Nero CD Speed v0.84 Results
For the RW tests we used the Ricoh's HS-RW media written at 10x speed. The WAITEC MEGALUS had a very good reading performance, while ASUS CRW2410S showed some reading problems with the test disc, lowering the average reading speed:
CloneCD Reading Tests
- Procedure:
We used CloneCD (v3.1.1.0) and 5 original CDs - Euro 2000 (SafeDisc 1),
No One Lives For Ever (SafeDisc 2), Rally Masters (LaserLock 1), Desperados
(LaserLock 2) and V-Rally 2 Expert (SecuROM 2) - in order to test the reading
performance of the tested drives. We also tested the reading performance with
backups of the original CDs, since the reading speed varies between original
and backup media. For comparison reasons we added the results of the already
tested TEAC CD-W524E and PleXWriter PX-W2410A. The following picture shows both
ASUS/WAITEC reading/writing capabilities:
- SafeDisc 1/2 Results
The ASUS CRW2410S and WAITEC MEGALUS have the worst reading performance compared to the TEAC and Plextor drives. Both drive needs around 50mins to finish the task while PleXWriter PX-W2410A needs only 2mins.
With SafeDisc2 protected CDs the performance is slight better but still worse than PleXWriter's.
- LaserLock 1/2 Results
With LaserLock 1 protected CDs, the ASUS/WAITEC drives needs around 48mins to end the task.
The LaserLock 2 protected CDs are very hard for all recorders to read. Both ASUS/WAITEC need over one hour (1:21:33h) to end the task with the original and only 21mins with the backup CD.
- SecuROM Results
Both ASUS/WAITEC can support reading of SubChannel from Data/Audio Tracks. The reading performance is very good both with the original/backup CDs.
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