Asus P5WDH Deluxe
11. Overclocking
The Asus P5W DH Deluxe has been very popular among users for its overclocking capabilities. Asus provides from within the BIOS, all the necessary options for users to tweak their system and push it to its limits. As we saw in the BIOS page, the Asus P5W DH Deluxe can set the FSB up to 550MHz. Our first experiment was to find out how high we could push the FSB, without any voltage tweaks. Therefore, we set Intel's E6600 internal CPU multiplier to x6 and had a stable system at 390MHz.
Is that high? No, if you consider that the P5B Deluxe reached 430MHz with exactly the same components and the P5W64WS Pro reached 395MHz. Of course, overclocking depends on the CPU, cooling system and RAM. Despite our efforts, we couldn't break the the 395MHz FSB barrier, the system simply refused to boot, even with voltage tweaking. We have seen some reports from other reviewers reaching 435MHz FSB, so we assume it is a CPU limitation. In any case, the P5B Deluxe and P5W64 WSPro can reach up to 500MHz FSB, so they may be be a better solution for serious overclockers.