BenQ DW822A
1. Package - Installation
Review Pages
2. Data CD Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction Tests
4. DVD reading tests
5. DVD Error Correction Tests
6. Protected Disc Tests
7. DAE Tests
8. CD Recording Tests
9. Writing quality - 3T Jitter Tests
10. C1 / C2 Error Measurements
11. DVD Recording Tests
12. KProbe PI/PO quality tests
13. Booktype change
14. Conclusion
BenQ DW822A 8X Dual - Page 1
more 8x DVD recorder has entered the DVD recording market. BenQ, after the
release of its 8x +R DRW800A DVD recorder, reveals the new DW822A dual format
DVD recorder.
- Features
- Dual format support
- Double-layer firmware upgradeable
photo is of a sticker on the retail package. According to this,
on 30/09/2004, the buyer will be able to record dual layer discs with the
recorder through a firmware upgrade that will be avaliable from BenQ's website.
Seamless Link allows the drive to store the RecEnd address, the point in
the data to which the recording mechanism has progressed, and pause the
recording before a buffer under run occurs. When the buffer is again full,
a Seamless
Link-enabled drive locates the RecEnd address and resumes the recording
process. The gap between the stop and restart point is closed, while managing
recording process precisely and transparently-eliminating under run errors
and maintaining recording accuracy.
- Book type management
BenQ's Book Type Management enables the easy conversion of +R/+RW media to DVD-ROM format and can resolve compatibility issues with most consumer DVD devices. Latest version of the BookType Manager Software can be downloaded from here.
- Smart-Write Control
Optimal Power Calibration(WOPC) dynamically adjusts burning power to ensure
the best writing quality throughout the whole burning process. In addition,
the patented "Tilted Control" always keeps the writing angle at 90 degrees
on the disc surface to ensure uniform writing.
- Specifications
One of the basic differences of BenQ in comparison to the competition is the 8MB buffer size. The other specifications of the drive, according to Infotool, are the 40x maximum CD reading speed and the 24x maximum CD writing speed. On the supported Read features the drive supports all tested formats except DVD-Ram and C2 error information. On the Write features, all tested formats are supported by BenQ, except DVD-Ram and Mount Rainier. On the writing modes the software reports that BenQ supports TAO, DAO, SAO, and RAW writing. On the DVD features BenQ uses the RPC II region control, allowing a user to change the drive's region at most 5 times.
- Retail package
retail package includes the BenQ IDE interface drive, mounting screws and an
audio cable.
For reading reference the package includes the following multi language guides: hardware Quick start, user quide for the recording software, guide for video authoring software and finally a welcome user's manual for Qvideo and Book type management. All guides are also available in pdf format on one CD-Rom along with the specifications for the writer. And last but not least the package includes a CD-Rom with Sonic RecordNow! 6.7.0 Plus and Sonic DLA v4.60 for packet writing and a CD-Rom with Intervideo WnDVD Creator and WindDVD player.
- The drive
Removing the screws and opening the drive's cover voids the drive's warranty. For reference reasons, we post the following pictures.
- Installation
The BenQ drive was connected to our test PC and was identified as "ATAPI DVD Dual 8X4X12 " under WinXP. All tests were done with firmware B3BC.
The following pages include test results for the BenQ drive in comparison with two other dual DVD burners, the LiteOn812s and Aopen 8x8 DvD Dual.
Review Pages
2. Data CD Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction Tests
4. DVD reading tests
5. DVD Error Correction Tests
6. Protected Disc Tests
7. DAE Tests
8. CD Recording Tests
9. Writing quality - 3T Jitter Tests
10. C1 / C2 Error Measurements
11. DVD Recording Tests
12. KProbe PI/PO quality tests
13. Booktype change
14. Conclusion