CDSA Launches Content Security Risk Assesment Program
CDSA, the International Content Protection Association (formerly
IRMA, the International Recording Media Association), has announced a new industry service that will provide content holders with a rapid
response assessment of security procedures in effect at new service
providers and production partners.
The new Content Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) program will produce
in less than two week?s time a report of a site's preparedness to
protect the intellectual property of a studio, game company or music
label. Using a newly developed scorecard based on CDSA's Content
Protection Security standard (CPS), the new CSRA program is being
offered in response to the market demand for quick and short-term
assessments and is based on work already being performed by CDSA's
auditors on a contract basis for companies like Electronic Arts.
"In order to properly assure the ongoing security compliance of a site it is essential that CDSA conduct a thorough series of audits over a period of a 18 months; the CPS standard is built on this premise," explains CDSA Worldwide Director Linda Dyson, "However, in today's dynamic marketplace content holders do not always have the time to wait and production and supply chain pressures often require a quick spot check of a site?s preparedness. The CSRA program is being launched in response to this demand and, it is hoped, will lead to many more sites undergoing the full process of CDSA CPS accreditation." CDSA will not grade a site's overall compliance based on the CSRA but will simply submit final scorecard rating data for customer evaluation. CSRA sites will not receive CDSA accreditation, will not to eligible to use any CDSA or CPS branding or logos, and the results of these site visits will remain confidential between the association, the site and the contracting organization. CSRA is the newest in CDSA's expanding series of Anti-Piracy and Compliance programs that began over ten years ago with the launch of the Copyright and Licensing Verification Program (CLV) and was advanced more recently with the widely adopted Content Protection Security standard (CPS).
CDSA has been recognized as the worldwide leader of Anti-Piracy and Compliance Programs. Most recently, the Content Protection and Security standards (CPS) were first written in 2008 by an international team of intellectual property, anti-piracy and security experts from both the physical and digital security arenas, thus giving coverage to the whole supply chain.
"In order to properly assure the ongoing security compliance of a site it is essential that CDSA conduct a thorough series of audits over a period of a 18 months; the CPS standard is built on this premise," explains CDSA Worldwide Director Linda Dyson, "However, in today's dynamic marketplace content holders do not always have the time to wait and production and supply chain pressures often require a quick spot check of a site?s preparedness. The CSRA program is being launched in response to this demand and, it is hoped, will lead to many more sites undergoing the full process of CDSA CPS accreditation." CDSA will not grade a site's overall compliance based on the CSRA but will simply submit final scorecard rating data for customer evaluation. CSRA sites will not receive CDSA accreditation, will not to eligible to use any CDSA or CPS branding or logos, and the results of these site visits will remain confidential between the association, the site and the contracting organization. CSRA is the newest in CDSA's expanding series of Anti-Piracy and Compliance programs that began over ten years ago with the launch of the Copyright and Licensing Verification Program (CLV) and was advanced more recently with the widely adopted Content Protection Security standard (CPS).
CDSA has been recognized as the worldwide leader of Anti-Piracy and Compliance Programs. Most recently, the Content Protection and Security standards (CPS) were first written in 2008 by an international team of intellectual property, anti-piracy and security experts from both the physical and digital security arenas, thus giving coverage to the whole supply chain.